Vinton Construction


Wisconsin Department of Transportation / Green Bay, WI,%20Mason%20Street%20-%20Vinton/_projectHero/Mason%20Street%20Ariel%20Completed.jpg

Date Completed:

July 2012


Concrete Pavement, Earthwork & Grading

Design Engineer:

Kapur and Associates

Construction Engineer:

OTIE, Inc.

Award Won:

2013 / 24年度ACPA中国博彩平台优秀奖

Project Summary:

This highly complex, 耗资3000万美元的重建中国博彩网址于2009年以高质量的工艺完成,并在非常严格的时间表限制下完成.

Contract Amount:


Project Length:

2 Miles

By the Numbers:

  • 111,000 SY of 10.5-inch Concrete Pavement
  • 66,600 SY of Removing Pavement
  • 95,700 CY of Common Excavation
  • 59,820 CY of Borrow
  • 61.500 Tons of Base Aggregate
  • 6,100 LF of Concrete Barrier Wall
Mason Street Completed Interchange
Mason Street Completed Roundabout
Mason Street Curing And Tining
Mason Street Existing
Mason Street Finishing Concrete
Mason Street Placing Concrete
Mason Street Ready To Pave
Mason Street Shoulder Tining Rig
Mason Street Zero Clearance Paving Shoulder

About the Project

在青湾与美臣街54号公路交汇处重建一英里的USH 41公路,耗资3,000万元, 威斯康星州还包括重建所有坡道和一英里的STH 54/Mason街.

两个有信号的匝道终点站以及梅森街和泰勒街的信号交叉口被改造成多车道环形交叉路口. USH 41从4条车道扩大到6条车道,并增加了两条收集/分配车道, both northbound and southbound. 在USH 41上运载s54的桥梁被重建, 以及沿第九街向北和向南行驶的41号高速公路, and a two cell box culvert under USH 41. 建造了10座挡土墙和10座标志桥.

所有的结构都包含了社区敏感设计(CSD)元素,显著增强了互通. WisDOT在中国博彩网址上需要一个非常积极的时间表. The let schedule called for mainline STH 54, including the bridge over USH 41,to be closed for only six months; from February 1st to August 1st, 2012.

此外,USH 41干线必须在同一时间内完成,以开放交汇处. 这是保持相邻走廊中国博彩网址如期进行的必要条件, to minimize the disturbance to traffic on STH 54, a major commercial artery in western Brown County, 并在绿湾包装工队季前赛开始前开放立交桥. To meet this aggressive schedule, 温顿按照《中国博彩网址》的建议动员了“特别部队”. Additionally, Vinton working in conjunction with the Department, 2011年秋季,通过完成USH 41北行车道的大部分分级和主干线铺设,改变了原有的分期,instead of 2012.

The entire project, STH 54 and USH 41 mainline, was opened to traffic five days early, 温顿提前一个月在梅森街和泰勒街的交叉路口开设了环岛. 在完成这些令人印象深刻的时间表里程碑的同时, 温顿保持了高质量的工艺和乘坐性能, 无论是在滑模操作和大量的手工必要的三个环岛铺设.

Vinton与中国博彩网址沿线的企业主和居民密切合作,以尽量减少对他们通行的影响. Vinton成功地满足了所有的材料要求, 包括USH 41走廊部署的高性能混凝土特殊条款的严格限制.


Noteworthy Project Details

  • 在整个中国博彩网址期间,USH 41的交通保持在四条车道上. Lane closures were only allowed at nights, 影响承包商执行中国博彩网址的许多方面的能力. 在建造北行车道的同时,所有四条车道都转移到南行的USH 41上. 然后,所有四条车道都转移到新的北行USH 41上,同时建造南行车道. 在工程进行期间,s554号公路关闭,并设有一条有标志的绕行道路.
  • The let schedule called for mainline STH 54, including the bridge over USH 41, to be closed for only six months; from February 1st to August 1st, 2012. 此外,USH 41干线必须在同一时间内完成,以开放交汇处. 这是保持相邻走廊中国博彩网址如期进行的必要条件, to minimize the disturbance to traffic on STH 54, a major commercial artery in western Brown County, 并在绿湾包装工队季前赛开始前开放立交桥.
  • 该中国博彩网址包括一些特殊的材料要求,以满足USH 41走廊对高性能混凝土的要求. These special material requirements included tighter tolerances on aggregate quality; 100% crushed course aggregate; lower w/cm; additional strength testing required - beams and tensile tests; reduced delivery times; reduced cure times; PAMS cure only; self-propelled tining only; no incentive for strength - only dis-incentive; removal and replacement required at 3,000 psi; temperature restrictions; and temperature control plan requirements.
  • 在滑移形成的和手工浇筑的中国博彩平台上实现了卓越的路面平整度. The key factor was the high level of competency, professionalism, and experience on the part of their paving crews. Vinton's attention to detail, from the foremen, operators, finishers, and laborers, resulted in a consistently smooth, well finished product.
  • Vinton竭尽全力回收现场现有材料,并将其纳入中国博彩网址中. Using a mobile crushing and screening plant, 在中国博彩网址范围内,几乎所有现有的混凝土和沥青路面都被回收利用,以产生大部分破碎层和密集的分级基层骨料.
  • Vinton使用了他们全新的零间隙摊铺机,Gomaco 2400. 虽然设计为屏障墙滑成型,Vinton修改它铺设6.75' wide portion of the median shoulder of USH 41. During the paving of northbound USH 41,新车道和现有车道之间的坡度差很大,几乎没有空间在它们之间铺设道路. During paving of the southbound lanes, 两个肩膀之间3英尺的距离对于普通的铺路工来说是很紧的. 使用零间隙Gomaco 2400使Vinton能够快速轻松地铺设这些区域,而无需担心摊铺机轨道间隙.
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